Everyone wishes for a healthy Life; Make these changes according to age, will remain fit & fine


Healthy Life :

It is absolutely true that the working capacity of the body is affected according to age, as the age increases, so does laxity, apathy, tiredness, laziness etc. Which affects our lifestyle and our health. Here in this article, we are telling you the best ways to live a healthy life according to your age, which you can take full advantage of.

Everyone wishes for a healthy body, so that they can remain fit throughout life. Life can be enjoyed to the fullest, we don’t have to physically depend on anyone else when we grow old, but are we doing anything for all this and to stay fit for life?

Actually, we need to take care of the body from the age of 20 itself. This is the period of any person’s life when he is most capable and also more conscious about physical fitness and exercise, fitness. Whatever be your age, but what you have to do to stay fit, let us know-

Between 20 and 30 years ;

Create your new fitness chart now. This is the phase of life when we are most conscious about looking beautiful and fit, but with this awareness, there is also a need to think about the future. If you take care of your body in this phase of life, then the body will give you its fruits when you grow old. That is, if you have taken full care of your body and its fitness in teenage and in the years after that, then problems related to hypertension, heart-problems and changing lifestyle will stay away from you on aging. At this time, you should choose such exercises and exercises, which make the bones strong and there is no risk of osteoporosis on aging and take full care of your diet along with exercise. Stay away from junk food, always avoid alcoholic beverages.

Between 30 and 40 years ;

At this time, you should choose such exercises and exercises, which make the bones strong and there is no risk of osteoporosis on aging and take full care of your diet along with exercise. Stay away from junk food, always avoid alcoholic beverages.

It is a fact that after the age of 30, the body’s metabolism becomes much slower than before, that is, even if your diet is the same as before, you will still become fatter at this age than before. But it is not necessary that this process will start as soon as you enter your 30 years, but between 30 and 40 years the chances of this thing become more. At this time, the muscles start losing weight and they are not able to use the calories as much as before, so the extra calories start getting stored in the form of fat in the body. To stay fit between 30 and 40, your main focus should be to use up excess body fat. At this age, accumulation of fat around the waist is common, by finding its diagnosis, you will be able to keep yourself away from heart related problems. Exercise regularly and try to keep yourself away from stress.

Between the ages of 40 and 50 ;

The age of 40 years means that period of any person’s life, when we are most satisfied with our life, but in the midst of this mental peace, do you notice the internal and external changes that your body is going through at this time? . For example, just look at your skin, you must have noticed the changes coming in your skin and muscles, wrinkles and freckles are appearing, these are external changes. But, have you also noticed the internal changes in the body? At this age, the skeleton starts shrinking and at the same time the function of the heart and lungs also starts decreasing. But there is no need to panic. With the help of regular exercise and a good nutritious diet, you can slow down the aging process of the body. Since this is the age of menopause, you have a special need to increase your physical capacity. Take special care of your health at this age so that the problems are less.

50 and onwards ;

Age is more than 50, but what is this? All time mobile, T.V. Spending time watching and eating different types of food. Do you know that one of the reasons for old age is also not to exercise? If you are doing / or have been doing something similar, then get ready to face all kinds of diseases. But sudden exercise at this age, and that too for a long time, can have a negative impact on your health. The need is that you try to keep yourself active at this age. Walk regularly in the morning and evening. With this, the heart will work properly and the brain will also remain active for a long time. Take special care of food and drink, regularly consume curd, pulses, rice, phulkas, salads, juices, fruits etc., avoid fasting.

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