Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 : PM Modi gave success mantra to children..! taught time management


Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with students, teachers and parents during the 6th edition of ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ 2023 at Talkatora Stadium in Delhi. He said that ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ is also my exam and crores of students of the country are taking my exam. I enjoy giving this exam.

PM Modi said, it is natural for families to have expectations from their children, but if it is just to maintain ‘social status’, then it becomes dangerous. If you do better, there is likely pressure from all around you to do even better. No one is saved from this.

He further said that like you we also suffer the brunt of this in our political life – excellent results of elections are always expected to be ‘more excellent’. So, don’t worry- just try to give your best while remaining relaxed and cheerful. Even if you do well, everyone will have new expectations from you. There is pressure from all sides but should we succumb to this pressure? Similarly, if you also remain focused on your activity, then you too will come out of such a crisis. Never be under the pressure of pressure.

PM Modi said, you should recognize your potential, your aspirations, your goals; And then try to align them with the expectations other people are having of you.

‘Don’t give in to the pressure of the pressure!’ PM Modi

PM Modi further said that think, analyse, act and then give your best to achieve what you want. Not only for exams, we should be aware of time management at every stage of our life. Make such a slab that first give time to the subject which you like less, then give time to the subject which you like.

He further said that look deeply at the time management of the mother at home. The way she micro-manages everything with utmost efficiency is a lesson in life for all of you. Mother never feels or makes her feel like she is under any pressure, learn from her, her life!

‘Hard work will definitely bring color in life.’

PM Modi said, students should understand that now life and the world have changed a lot. Today you have to take the exam step by step. That’s why the one who cheats will pass one or two exams but will never be able to pass life. The hardworking student, his hard work will surely bring color in his life. It is possible that someone will copy and take two to four marks more than you, but he will never be able to become a hindrance in your life.

‘Only your inner strength will take you forward.’

He said that the life of those who work hard will surely be a blessed life, a life full of colours. The difference of 2-3 marks in the exam between you and your peers does not matter in life in the long run. Those who are dedicated will surely get the best.

Understand the work first – PM Modi

We should also focus on what we need. If I want to achieve something, I have to focus on a specific area, only then results will come. We should do ‘smartly hardwork’, only then we will get good results.

India has the world’s oldest language – PM Modi
PM Modi said, the country which has the oldest language of the world, that country should be proud. In UN, I deliberately told some things related to Tamil language because I wanted to show the world that we have the oldest language in the world.

He further said that the more our teachers increase their affinity with the students, the better it will be. When a student questions you, his aim is not to test your knowledge. The curiosity of the student is his biggest asset. Even today our student considers the words of his teacher very valuable. We should not choose the path of discipline by taking a stick, we should choose the path of belongingness, if we choose the path of belongingness then only we will be benefited.

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