MP News : Shock for the people of Madhya Pradesh, government increased the electricity price

Madhya Pradesh: Electricity consumers in MP may get a big shock. Just like the increase in the prices of petrol and diesel, in the same way there may be an increase in the prices of electricity in the state. Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued general information. Let us tell you that the Government of India has suggested to increase the tax every month on its own to the power supply companies of the states. This has been confirmed after the release of the information.

The Government of India has instructed the Electricity Regulatory Commissions of the states to make changes in the rules of tariff determination. After this decision of the Government of India, the Madhya Pradesh Regulatory Commission has issued a general notice. That preparations are being made to change the formula for fuel cost adjustment (fuel effect adjustment) which increases every 3 months. The Commission has also sought suggestions from the general public on this issue. The Electricity Regulatory Commission will also conduct a public hearing on those suggestions.

New surcharge will be imposed on the public

If the formula for fuel cost adjustment is changed. So it will be named as ‘Fuel and Power Purchase Adjustment Surcharge’ at the new level. In this manner, there will be increase or change in the prices of every Maha electricity. Electricity distribution companies will not be required to take the permission of the commission for this. The power companies will get this matter investigated by the Electricity Regulatory Commission only at the end of the year. As of now, 34 paise per unit FCA is being imposed in MP. If companies want to increase it, they have to appeal before the regulatory commission and the commission gives permission to increase the FCA only after a thorough investigation. But, if this new proposal is approved, then the power companies will be free to increase the price arbitrarily.

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