We Should Keep Our Phone On Flight Mode In The Plane, Know What Is Behind The Reason ?

Using a mobile phone during flight is likely too dangerous.

Aeroplane Mode : Using a mobile phone during flight is likely to interfere with the navigation and communication systems of the plane. know! Turning it on can prove to be extremely dangerous.

Nowadays everyone uses smartphones. If you also have a smartphone, then you would know that it also has a feature called flight mode. If you have traveled by plane, then during the journey you must have heard the flight attendant asking you to fasten your seat belt and put the phone on flight mode. At that time, everyone agrees with the flight attendant, but the question definitely arises in their mind that what will happen if the phone is not put on airplane mode or flight mode? Even if no one has traveled by plane, But he would also like to know the answer to this question. Let us know what is the answer to this and why it is asked to turn on flight mode in the plane.

What Is Flight Mode ?

You must have noticed that there is an option called flight mode in your phone. It is often used for network related tasks like calling and internet. However, even after the flight mode is on, you can do activities like watching movies and videos or listening to music in the phone.

Put Phone In Flight Mode On Plane ;

Before the flight of the airplane, all the passengers aboard the plane are asked to keep the mobile phone on flight mode. Actually, there is a possibility of interference in the navigation and communication systems of the plane by using mobile during the flight. If the flight mode is not on in the phone, then it can cause problems in the work of the pilot. For this reason, it is advisable to keep the phone in flight mode during air travel, especially during flight.

This can happen if flight mode is turned on ;

If you do not keep the phone on flight mode, then it can cause serious problems. The signal from your mobile phone can confuse the communication system of the aircraft. Due to which there will be problem in communicating with the pilot as well as there will be problem in controlling the communication. In such a situation, the flight path can also go astray and an accident can also happen. The waves emanating from the mobile start connecting with the contact system of other places. In such a situation, there is a danger of losing contact with the radio station of the aircraft. Pilot is unable to hear instructions properly. When this happens, the chances of the plane crashing increases due to not getting the right instructions.

There is a strict ban in many countries ;

In many countries, keeping the airplane mode off in the mobile phone during air travel is also considered a crime and people who do so are punished severely. If you keep flight mode on in the plane, then you can be considered suspicious.

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