Does Winter Cause Dandruff ? Here’s How You Can Get Rid Of It.

Dandruff can become more problematic in winters.

During winters, the air is dry and devoid of moisture. This causes dryness of the skin as well as the scalp. The scalp, when dry, becomes flaky, which makes it easier for dandruff. In the winter time, people spend more time indoors and crank up the heat. This leads to dry, warm air that affects.

Dandruff in winters is usually caused by a dry scalp, which can feel itchy ; This is the result of a combination of things—dry, cold air and an abundance of the Malassezia fungus. To reduce and treat dandruff, you’ve got to use the right hair care products that are meant for the job.

Due to Stress : There Is Such A Thing As Winter Stress Or Fatigue, Which Can Cause Hormonal Fluctuations Within Your Body. This Can Directly Affect Your Oil Production And Be A Possible Reason For Why Dandruff Occurs In Winter.

Remedies to get rid off Dandruff :Using An Aloe Vera Mask Can Bring Back The Moisture To Your Scalp And Also Clear Any Oil Build-Up. This Is A Great Way On How To Get Rid Of Dandruff In Winter And Nourish Your Hair And Don’t Tie Up Wet Hair, As This Can Create A Perfect Environment For Fungus And Bacteria To Grow. By nourishing your hair ,Make a hair mask by mixing a bowl of yoghurt with lemon juice. Apply this to the scalp, leave it on for 30-60 minutes and then rinse it off with cool water.

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