Plastic Risk: Approximately 5 grams of plastic entering the body every week, posing a risk of various types of cancer

Researchers are increasingly alerting about the harmful effects of plastic on human health through various studies. This is why campaigns continue to be launched to reduce the use of polythene and plastic bottles.

Scientists say that microplastics, tiny particles of plastic, are entering our bodies through various means such as breathing, consuming food, or direct contact with the skin. This has significantly increased the risk of serious and life-threatening diseases like cancer.

Studies have found that plastic particles from bottles, containers, and food stored in plastic are entering the body.

This can affect the mental development of children and increase the risk of diseases like prostate cancer in adults and the elderly. Particularly, if hot items are stored in plastic, it can pose an even greater risk to health.

Let’s understand why plastic is so dangerous and how we can protect ourselves from it.

Plastic is entering the body through various means like breathing, consuming food, or direct contact with the skin. It is estimated that an individual’s body is being exposed to approximately 5 grams of microplastics per week through these mediums.

However, studies indicate that plastic is not compatible with the human body and can become a cause of various diseases, disabilities, and premature death in the life cycle.

The toxic chemicals found in plastic pose a danger to human health. Scientists say that nearly 13,000 types of chemicals are used in the production of plastic, and most of them have been found to be harmful to the environment and health.

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are extensively used in its production, which has been linked to risks such as infertility, obesity, diabetes, prostate or breast cancer, and thyroid problems. Similarly, certain types of plastic contain a chemical called bisphenol-A, which can leach into food or water and potentially cause cancer.

Health experts recommend minimizing the use of plastic and avoiding plastic items for children’s lunch boxes, water bottles, etc.

Plastic containers should not be used to store hot food, and microwaving plastic should be avoided. This helps prevent the chemicals present in plastic from melting and mixing with the food, which can cause various diseases in the body.

Furthermore, it is advisable to avoid drinking tea or coffee from single-use plastic cups. It is necessary to exercise caution to prevent microplastics from entering the body.

To protect ourselves from the harmful effects of plastic, we should refrain from heating plastic items and avoid keeping any hot items in them. It is essential to check the BPA levels on plastic items available in the market and avoid their use.

By following these precautions, we can minimize the risk associated with plastic and safeguard our health.

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#PlasticPollution #PlasticFree #SayNoToPlastic #PlasticAwareness #PlasticHealthHazards #PlasticToxicity
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