Facts About Lipstick : Animals are used to make lipstick; Know how lipstick is made

Are animals used to make lipstick?


Fact About Lipstick: We all know that many women do different types of makeup to enhance the beauty of their face, there are many types of things in the makeup kit of every woman. This also includes lipstick.

Even if a woman is not much fond of makeup, then lipstick is always found in her makeup kit. There are many different shades of lipstick available in the market these days. However, not many people know how it is actually made. Today we are going to tell you about how lipstick is made and some interesting facts related to it.

What are the ingredients used in lipstick?

Many things including oil, wax, pigment, fragrance are used to make lipstick. Companies use many things, including preservatives and alcohol, to extend the life of lipstick, but not all of these are disclosed to the public.

 How is lipstick made? In the manufacture of lipstick, pigments are first added to it. Different colors and shades are created with the help of pigments. This mixture contains oil and color in the ratio of 2:1.

Molding process

The molding process is carried out at a certain temperature after the above process. After this it is rapidly cooled. Care is taken to ensure that no air enters the mixture during the molding process. After cooling it is cooled and its stem is made. After this finishing work is done and it is packed and sold in the market.

First commercial lipstick

Lipstick is being used since a long time. Earlier women used to break the stone and paint their lips with its color. Then the first commercial lipstick was produced for sale in 1884 by the French brand Guerlain. Now this brand is known for making world’s most expensive lipstick.

Are animals used to make lipstick?

Different body parts of animals and insects have been used to make lipstick since time immemorial. However, many companies are now focusing on making vegan products. Many brands have started making vegan lipstick and makeup products. But many makeup products in the market use ingredients ranging from animal skin to other organs.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only.

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