If you also yawn throughout the day, then be alert..! its a sign of serious illness

People often yawn when they are tired or sleep deprived. Yawning is completely normal and everyone yawns between 5 and 19 times a day. According to the Sleep Foundation, there are many people who yawn more than 10 times a day. According to some studies, there are many people who yawn about 50-60 times a day.

One common reason for this is waking up too early. Frequent yawning can be a sign of some serious illness. According to a report, frequent yawning can also be a side effect of some medicines. Let’s know about it..!

Reason for frequent yawning-

Frequent yawning can be a sign of some serious illness. Then you need to be careful with it.

This can be a sign of sleep disorder. Such as obstructive sleep apnea in which there is excessive sleepiness during the day. Experts say that excessive yawning can be the cause of metabolic diseases.

Lack of sleep-

Many people are always sleepy during the day due to which they have to face the problem of excessive yawning. This usually happens when for some reason you are unable to get enough sleep at night. Due to lack of sleep at night, you feel very tired the next day and you yawn more.


Yawning is an early sign of hypoglycemia. As soon as the blood sugar level decreases, yawning starts.

Sleep apnea-

Patients of sleep apnea have to face a lot of difficulties while sleeping at night, because they do not get enough sleep at night. Due to which they feel very tired the next day and they keep on yawning continuously.

There is difficulty in breathing in this disease. In sleep apnea, breathing stops for a while, due to which there is not enough sleep. The dangerous thing is that breathing stops in sleep itself and the person does not even know about it.


Insomnia is also a sleep related problem. A person suffering from this disease does not sleep at night or if he wakes up once, he has to face difficulty in sleeping again. Due to lack of sleep at night, people tend to sleep more during the day due to which they yawn.

Heart disease-

One reason for yawning can be the vagus nerve. Which goes from mind to heart and stomach. According to some research, excessive yawning can also indicate bleeding around the heart or the possibility of a heart attack.

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