Neem is a Ayurvedic Medicine..! Know precautions before consumption

Neem is a natural medicine, it is full of Ayurvedic properties. It is advised to chew neem leaves daily for good health

Many diseases can be avoided by the anti-bacterial properties of neem. But you will be surprised to know that people who chew neem leaves in excess. They may have serious health problems. Let’s know about the harm caused by the consumption of neem.

Excessive chewing of neem leaves will cause harm-

  •  Low blood sugar level-

Chewing neem leaves is beneficial for type-2 diabetics as it helps to lower blood sugar levels, but excessive consumption can cause blood sugar levels to drop significantly, causing weakness and dizziness.

  • kidney failure-

Only one to two leaves of neem should be chewed daily, but if you consume more than this, it can harm your kidney. In some cases, kidney damage can occur because neem is very bitter.

  • Allergy-

Many researches have shown that chewing neem leaves in excess can increase the risk of allergies and burning sensation in the mouth, although neem is used to get rid of allergies and rashes, but its excessive use can cause side effects. It can have the opposite effect, as it can lower testosterone levels.

  • Infertility in  Male and Women-

Research conducted on rats has shown that high consumption of neem can adversely affect ovulation. Along with this, the risk of miscarriage also increases in women. Studies in several other animals have also shown that it affects male fertility. Therefore, consume neem leaves in limited quantity.

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