PM Modi attacked opposition -The more mud you throw, the more lotus will bloom, know the big things about PM’s answer

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday presented his reply to the President’s address in the Rajya Sabha. During this, Prime Minister Modi fiercely attacked the opposition, stating the achievements of the government amid heavy sloganeering by other MPs including the Congress.

Attacking the opposition, Prime Minister Modi said that the more mud you throw, the more the lotus will open. That’s why I also express my gratitude to them for their direct or indirect contribution in feeding the lotus.

Know the big things about PM Modi’s answer-

-Whatever happens in this house, the country listens very seriously. But it is unfortunate that at present the behavior and speech of some people in the House is disappointing not only the House but also the country. I would say to the respected members of such trend that he had soil, I had gulal, whoever had it lifted it.

-The more mud you throw, the more the lotus will bloom. So I also express my gratitude to them for their contribution directly or indirectly in feeding the lotus. Our senior colleague in the opposition Khargeji said, we have laid a strong foundation in 60 years. Their complaint was that we have laid the foundation and Modi is taking credit for it.

-From the time the country became independent till 2014, there were 14 crore LPG connections. People used to go to MPs to get us connections. At that time the demand was also less, there was no need to spend for getting gas. We decided that we will give LPG connection to the house. We knew that we have to work hard, fill gas from all over the world, but our priority is the common citizen of the country. That’s why we have given gas connections to more than 32 crore people. From this one example, you will understand how hard we must have worked.

-Whoever comes to the government comes with a promise of doing something for the country, but expression of sentiments is of no use. So the pace of development, what is the target, what is the result, it was very important. You keep saying that we were also doing something, it is of no use.

-Earlier there was a habit of postponing projects in the country. We have created a technical platform, PM Modi has come up with a quick master plan and work is underway to ramp up the country’s infrastructure. Plans that used to take months to make are carried forward in weeks. Because we understand the importance of infrastructure for modern India.

-We have found a permanent solution to the banking system and started the Jan Dhan Abhiyan. In the last nine years alone, 48 crore Jan Dhan accounts have been opened. 32 crore bank accounts have been created in rural and urban areas. That is, an attempt has been made to take the example of progress to the villages of the country. He said, Kharge ji was complaining, Modi ji often comes to my constituency.

-When I tried to take a closer look at things in 2014, I realized that for 60 years the Congress family may have intended to build a strong foundation, but I saw that they dug holes. In this he wasted six decades. At that time even small countries of the world were touching the pinnacle of success and were moving forward.

Also Read-PM Modi : The trust the countrymen have on Modi is beyond the understanding of the opposition

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