World Water Day 2023 : ” If there is a water there is life “, Know the history and theme of world water day 2023

World Water Day 2023 Date-

World Water Day is celebrated every year on March 22

World Water Day is celebrated every year , it’s an annual event on purpose to increase the awareness about importance of fresh water in our life and to promote sustainable water management.

The concept this day is  dedicated to water was introduced in Agenda 21 during the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro. Later, in December 1992, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution, A/RES/47/193, declaring 22 March of every year as World Day for Water.

Theme of World Water Day-

This year the event is based on concept to clean water , sanitation and hygiene , which has target of Sustainable Development Goal 6. The collaborative partnership on water selects the topic for each International Day of Water highlighting the urgency of taking prompt and effective action to address the water challenges our world is facing today. Overall, the theme emphasizes the significance of taking anticipative steps to address the water stress challenges humanity is facing today and at an accelerating pace.

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