Madhya Pradesh : Police’s e-Vivechan App Got the First Prize in the National Digital India Award

Madhya Pradesh has been awarded the first prize (Platinum Award) in the “Digital Initiative at Grassroots Level” category of the Digital India Awards 2022

Madhya Pradesh has been awarded the first prize (Platinum Award) in the “Digital Initiative at Grassroots Level” category of the Digital India Awards 2022 for its remarkable use and initiative of the e-Vivechna app. Madhya Pradesh State Crime Records Bureau ADG Chanchal Shekhar and his team comprising AIG Hemant Chauhan, AIG Pranjali Shukla, Inspector Indra Namdev and Head Constable Surendra Raghuvanshi received the honor from President Draupadi Murmu at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi on Saturday.

Director General of Police Sudhir Kumar Saxena has congratulated the team of State Crime Records Bureau while expressing happiness on receiving the said award. For this the nomination process was done online, in which 400 nominations were received from all over India. For the Digital India Award, 21 nominations were selected in 7 categories from Central Government and State Government organizations for providing better service to the citizens at the grassroots level, in which SCRB, Madhya Pradesh stood first in the “Digital Initiative at Grassroots Level” category. Platinum) Award.

After being shortlisted in the nomination process, ADG SCRB Chanchal Shekhar and AIG CCTNS Pranjali Shukla gave a presentation of the e-deliberation app before the jury in New Delhi. ADG Chanchal Shekhar told that through CCTNS the work of police stations has been digitized. In order to implement the concept of smart (sensitive, mobile, alert, reliable and tech-savvy) policing, the Madhya Pradesh Police has developed and made available the E-Vivechna app as a digital tool to the policemen at the field level.

This app has been developed in association with Madhya Pradesh Police MPSCDC. Investigators can do real-time investigation on the spot with the help of tablets, which has brought transparency and quality in crime investigation. With the help of this app, investigators can directly feed the details of the crime scene such as photographs, videos, statements of witnesses, actual coordinates of crime scene and case diary in CCTNS. Till now case diaries of 24, 231+ cases have been maintained through this app.

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