Monsoon Health Tips : improve child’s defences against illness and infection during the rainy season


The health of their children is now a top priority for parents as the monsoon season has arrived and summer vacations are coming to an end. Respiratory infections, fever, and sore throats are common health issues during periods of heavy rain. Due to the fact that most kids enjoy eating calorie-dense, spicy, mouthwatering foods during the monsoon, the likelihood of developing a stomach infection also multiplies. Infected food and water also frequently cause typhoid and jaundice. Here are some monsoon tips for kids to help them avoid illnesses and allergies, dear parents.

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 Monsoon tips for children-

A balanced diet
Kids may frequently believe that healthy food is bland and unappealing. However, as a parent, you can alter this perception by attempting recipes and ingredients that are healthy. Make sure you feed them a balanced diet and discourage them from overindulging in fast food. Give them a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Keep up a fit lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is the result of having the proper sleeping, eating, and exercise routines. Reduce their screen time and refrain from giving them technology an hour or more before bed. They’ll sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed thanks to this.

Keep up your hygiene
To prevent catching an infection and spreading it, maintaining good hand hygiene is crucial. In order to avoid illnesses associated with the monsoon, make sure that kids wash their hands frequently and take daily baths.

Reduce Stress
After a summer break, schools have resumed, and students may feel anxious about the upcoming semester. Without placing them under excessive academic or extracurricular pressure, try to reduce their stress and make the transition easier for them.

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