Chief Mohan Bhagwat’s big Statement : Hindutva or Islam are mistaken Title, there is only one religion – that is Sanatan Dharam

Mohan Bhagwat has given a big statement regarding Islamic religion

Mohan Bhagwat has given a big statement regarding religion. He said that Hindu-Islam is a misnomer. There is only one religion, that is Sanatan Dharma. Bhagwat said that what we call Hindutva or Islam are actually wrong names. There is only one religion – that is Sanatan Dharma.

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Bhagwat said this on Tuesday in Karanja town of Washim district in Maharashtra. They had come here to the Guru Mandir. His lecture program was organized here in the temple premises. Mohan Bhagwat visited the birthplace of Shri Nrusingh Saraswati Swami Maharaj and also participated in the Mahaarti.

Earlier, Mohan Bhagwat said about the Muslims of India that Muslims in India have nothing to fear, but they should give up their rhetoric about their superiority. The Sangh chief spoke at length in an interview given to the RSS mouthpiece Organizer and Panchjanya.

Mohan Bhagwat said that it is a simple truth that India should remain India. There is no danger to the Muslims living in India today. Islam has no fear. But at the same time Muslims should give up dogmatic claims of superiority.

Mohan Bhagwat said about Muslims, “We are a great race, we have ruled this country once, and will rule again, only our way is right, all others are wrong. We are different, that’s why we Will remain.” “We can. Come together, Muslims must drop this narrative. In fact, all people living here – whether Hindu or Communist – must drop this argument.”

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