Nupur Sharma : The Suspended Spokesperson of the BJP, Got Gun License After Statement on Prophet

Nupur said that she was receiving a lot of death threats personally as well as on social media

Nupur Sharma, the suspended spokesperson of the Bharatiya Janata Party, has been given a gun license. There was a lot of controversy regarding Nupur Sharma’s controversial remarks on Prophet Mohammad. After this, violent protests started against Nupur across the country.

An officer of Delhi Police has given information regarding giving arms license to Nupur. Nupur says that she was receiving a lot of death threats personally as well as on social media and hence applied for a gun license to be allowed to carry a gun with her for her personal protection.

A Delhi Police official has confirmed that Sharma has been given an arms license after which he has been allowed to keep a gun for self-defense. Sharma was suspended as BJP spokesperson in June last year following his remarks on a television show, which were followed by violent protests in several parts of India demanding action against him.

The protesters said the BJP leader’s remarks about Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, were lewd. Several Islamic countries such as Iran and Qatar condemned his remarks, sparking a diplomatic row.

The suspended BJP leader took back his remarks and while in June 2022 he was removed from the post of BJP spokesperson and suspended from the party, yet his remarks were not meant to hurt anyone’s religious sentiments, The Supreme Court in its July 2022 order held Sharma responsible for inciting passions in the country and said that “she alone was responsible for what was happening in the country at that time”.

Later, in August, taking note of the threats Sharma had received, the Supreme Court clubbed all cases against him so that he would not have to travel to all the states where cases against him are pending. Nupur Sharma, since her suspension in June last year, has not been active on social media and maintains a fairly low profile.

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