Do You Know: It’s due to Yudhishthira’s curse, which is why women struggle at keeping secrets


Back in the Vedic days, the Gurus, Gods, and even the demons used curses (Shraaps) as a deterrence tool. And we here have listed some of the most interesting of those curses, which only changed the lives of people but also the course of the war.

1. The Curse of Bhrigu Acharya

It is a no hidden fact that how in the eternal fight between the Devas and the Asuras, the Devas usally were undefeated. With the regret and shame that came from seeing the loss of the Asuras, Shukra Acharya (the Guru of Asuras) got very upset. It was then he decided to please Lord Shiva to gain mritasanjeevani, that would have made the Asuras more powerful than the Devas.

As Shukra Acharya went out for his meditation, the asuras took refugee at the ashram of Rishi Bhrigu. One day when Bhrigu was out, the Devas, using the absence of Bhrigu, took the opportunity to attack the asuras camping at Bhrigu’s home. However, the wife of Bhirgu was present at the space who not only saved the Asuras but also immobile Indra (one of the Devas who came to kill asuras).

All the deities, then went to Vishnu to seek help to recover Indra. Lord Vishnu, agreeing to help, went to Bhrigu’s home to retrieve Indra. There, he bumped into Bhrighu’s wife and cut her head using his Sudarshana Chakra.

On returning, and comprehending the loss of her wife, Bhrighu cursed Vishnu that he would be born again and again to suffer the pain of worldly life. This is the reason why Vishnu has taken so many forms to date, one among which was of Sri Krishna.

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2. The curse of Yudhisthira 

After the battle of Kurukshetra, Yudhishthira was performing the last rites of all his lost family members. Among all the lost was also Karna who was Yudhishthira’s brother. However, Yudhishthira’s mother, for so many years, had hidden the truth from Yudhishthira that Karna was his brother.

Now if you have either seen a TV adaptation or heard the story in the epic Mahabharata, you have probably come across the episode where Kunti is given a boon by Durvasa sage to have a child with desired qualities of the divine Gods. However, when this boon is given, Kunti is not certain and as a result, she invokes the Sun God who has no option but to give birth to a child with Kunti. And this is how Karna was born to the unmarried Kunti who then abandons her child by putting him in a basket and tossing it over in river Ganga.

For Kunti, the story of her unborn child ended there and then, but so was not the case because Karna was found by Adhiratha Nandana who then decided to raise him with his wife. Adhiratha Nandana was the charioteer for Dhritarashtra. So when Karna grew up, he was befriended by Duryodhana. His friendship with Duryodhana is what brings him back to the lives of Kunti and Pandavas.

When Karna joins force with Duryodhana in the battle of Kurukshetra, it is only then that Kunti tells him that she is his mother. But by the time Karna discovers about his brotherhood with the Pandavas, it is too late as he had already pledged allegiance to Duryodhana. Kunti makes Karna promise that he will not harm his brother and Karna promises her that he will not attack the Pandavas except for Arjun in order to fulfil both, Putra (son) and Mitra (friend) Dharam.

However, up until this point in the epic, the Pandavas have no clue that Karna is their elder brother. The Pandavas discover about Surya-Putra Karna only after the war is over and that too when King Dhritarashtra orders Yudhisthira to perform the funeral rites for the dead, including Karna.

The Pandavas, especially Yudhisthira, are disturbed at the fact that they committed fratricide against Karna. Yudhisthira on discovering that Karna is his elder brother finds the war to be futile as he feels that if Kunti had told them about Karna, then things would have taken a different turn. Yudhisthira felt that if she had not kept the secret from them then the rivalry between the Pandavas and the Kauravas wouldn’t have resulted in something so catastrophic.  And at that point his anger mixed with agony made him curse Kunti and the entire womankind – He cursed Kunti and the women of the world that they shall never be able to keep secrets.

Source : Vedic Feed , Times Now

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