COVID-19 Update: India’s COVID-19 Cases Decline, Active Infections Drop to 21,406

Death Toll Rises to 5,31,722, Recovery Rate at 98.77%


India’s COVID-19 cases witness a substantial decline as active infections decrease to 21,406 from 22,742, as per the latest data released by the Union Health Ministry. The country’s total COVID-19 tally reaches 4.49 crore (4,49,74,909) cases, while the death toll rises to 5,31,722, including reconciled cases from Kerala.

The drop in active cases is a positive sign, accounting for only 0.05 percent of the total infections. India maintains an impressive recovery rate of 98.77 percent, with 4,44,21,781 individuals successfully recovering from the virus. The case fatality rate remains at 1.18 percent.

India’s nationwide vaccination drive makes significant progress, with an administration of 220.66 crore doses of COVID-19 vaccines. The increasing vaccination coverage brings hope for further containment of the virus and a gradual return to normalcy in the near future.

Despite ongoing challenges, India’s COVID-19 statistics reflect positive developments. The declining active cases, coupled with a high recovery rate, provide reassurance in the battle against the virus. Adherence to safety protocols and the robust vaccination drive play crucial roles in maintaining this downward trend and ensuring the well-being of the population.

Source- Hindustan Times


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