Meteorological Department Alert : By March, the temperature in many states of the country will cross 40 degrees


The Indian Meteorological Department has issued a warning saying that by the end of February, the intense and severe heat will break all the records till now. In the alert issued by the Meteorological Department, most areas of north-west, central and west India, especially Delhi, will come under the grip of heat wave. According to the Meteorological Department, in the next five days, the minimum temperature in these parts of the country will be 4-5 degrees above normal.

In many areas of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra, the temperature has already reached the range of 35 to 39 degrees. Along with this, the Meteorological Department has also warned that by March, the temperature in most of the states of the country will reach 4-5 degrees above normal i.e. around 40 degrees.

Delhi recorded a maximum temperature of 31.4 degrees Celsius yesterday, which was seven notches above normal. Today the minimum temperature was 15 degrees and the maximum temperature was 32 degrees. After 1969, Monday was the third hottest day of February. In Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, today the maximum temperature was recorded around 32 degrees.

Along with Punjab, Rajasthan, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, the temperature in many places in Madhya Pradesh was recorded five degrees above normal. Meanwhile, according to the Indian Meteorological Department, a Western Disturbance is currently active over Haryana and adjoining areas and under its influence, light rain and snowfall are likely over parts of the Western Himalayas during the next 24 hours.

Wheat crop will be affected due to severe heat-

According to the Meteorological Department, the maximum temperature will reach around 40 degrees in March and its worst effect will be on the wheat crop. Due to excessive temperature, wheat will ripen prematurely even if it is cold and the production will be reduced. Wheat crop can be affected by high heat and its production is expected to be adversely affected.

After studying the data of the last five decades, the Meteorological Department has warned that due to excessive heat, the wheat crop will dry up prematurely in many places.

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