Did You Know Why Mercury Is So Small ? Figure Out That Not Everything About Mercury Is Small


Mercury, the smallest planet in our solar system and the one closest to the Sun, is just a little bit bigger than the Moon.

The Sun would be visible from the surface of Mercury as being up to seven times brighter and more than three times as huge as it is from Earth. Mercury is close to the Sun, but Venus, which is also close by, has the record for having the hottest planet in our solar system.
From some areas of Mercury’s surface, the Sun appears to momentarily rise, set, and rise again due to the planet’s eccentric orbit (which resembles an egg) and sluggish rotation. At sunset, the identical scenario plays out in reverse.

For the first three planets in our solar system, there is an intriguing pattern. It’s fascinating to note that the size of the planets increases from Mercury through Venus and Earth, and it’s likely not a coincidence. As you get farther from the sun, planets tend to get bigger up until a certain point because as the sun initially formed, bursts of energy drove material away from the sun and towards the outer regions of the solar system. Because of this, the outer solar system is home to gas giants, whereas the inner solar system is home to small rocky planets. Mercury was destined to be the smallest planet because it is the one that is nearest to the sun.

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