Health update : Small habits keep this disease away from you, adopt it from today


The number of diabetes patients in the country is continuously increasing. In this disease, our body is not able to make enough insulin. Because of this, the amount of sugar in the blood starts increasing. Insulin is a hormone that transports sugar from food to the cells of the body. Due to insufficient production of insulin, sugar remains in the blood, due to which the risk of diabetes increases. Due to poor lifestyle, diet, lack of physical activity, people suffer from many diseases. Today we will tell you some such ways by which you can avoid getting these diseases.

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Increase fiber rich foods in the diet

High fiber food is very good for your stomach. Along with weight, it also reduces the risk of diabetes. Let us tell you that fiber is found in foods like apples, bananas, oats, peas, black beans, sprouts and avocados.

Be physically active

We should do regular exercise. This is a great way to keep all kinds of diseases at bay. For this, you do not need to do a lot of exercise or go to the gym. Rather, you can keep yourself fit by walking in the morning and evening or walking on the treadmill. Do not adopt a lazy lifestyle and keep doing your household chores, this will help you to stay active.

Reduce intake of sugar and refined sugar

Things rich in sugar and carbohydrates increase the amount of sugar in the blood. Whenever you eat sugar and its products, then the level of sugar in your blood increases. This condition increases your chances of becoming diabetic later on. If you want to avoid this disease, then from today itself, limit the foods rich in carbs like white bread, potatoes, white flour and foods made of sugar in your diet.

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