Is Drinking Tea Causing You Gastric Problem ?

Drinking tea on an empty stomach can form gas in your digestive system


Tea is one of the world’s most beloved beverages. Tea has been used for its healing properties in Traditional medicine for centuries. Moreover, modern research suggests that plant compounds in tea may play a role in reducing your risk of chronic conditions, such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases, but it can be acidic if it is not properly brewed or stored. According to WebMD, common risk factors of acid reflux disease is consuming beverages like carbonated drinks, coffee, and tea. Nevertheless, tea is mildly acidic in nature. Tea is naturally on the acidic side of the Ph scale. The Ph scale provides an understanding of the acidity level of a solution.

Drinking tea on an empty stomach can form gas in your digestive system. Tea is diuretic, it causes you to constantly urinate and frequent urination, if not replenished with frequent hydration, can cause dehydration.

In comparison with other teas, black tea is less acidic. The acidity level of any tea depends on its type and where have you gotten it from.

Keep in Mind ; 

While preparing tea it is important to know that adding products like sugar, mint, and lemon can cause acidity. To avoid acidity such ingredients should not be excessively used.

Most common stomach acidity issues are associated with lifestyle and dietary factors. You may love your cup of tea in the morning to help you feel energized and get ready for the day, but it can become highly acidic. In case, you are facing severe acidity/indigestion symptoms please get in touch with your doctor.


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