Yoga Mantra: Want to be healthy? Do this yoga pose to boost immunity


Yogasana to Boost Immunity: Everyone’s body reacts differently to the changing seasons. Many people get sick immediately after a change in environment. They suffer from cold, cough, viral immediately. The main reason for this is that their immune system is weak. Exercise is just as important as your diet to strengthen your immune system. You can also do yoga. There are many asanas that boost your immunity. You can include these two simple asanas in your routine.

Agnisara seat

This pranayama can be done standing, sitting or lying down. To do this, first of all, sit and place both hands above the knees. After this, while exhaling, pull the stomach inwards. Try to hold your breath as long as possible. Pull the stomach in from the navel with repeated thrusts and release it.


To perform Kapalbhati, first sit in Vajrasana or Padmasana. After this do Chitta mudra with both hands. Now place it on both your knees. Take a deep breath in and draw the stomach in while exhaling with a push. Do this continuously for a few minutes. You can repeat this action 40-50 times at a time.

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