Yogdhara program in Indore on 26 February , 40 artists from 21 countries will perform


Yogdhara is being organized by the Sahaja Yoga family from February 25 in Indore , it is two-day program. Artists from 21 countries will participate in this. On February 25, artists from all countries will participate in the Heritage Walk with the flags of their countries. On the other hand, on February 26, on the occasion of birth centenary celebration of Sahaja Yoga founder Nirmala Devi, there will be a program at Abhay Prashal from 6 pm. In this, more than 40 artists from 21 countries including America, England, Germany will perform bhajans and dances on the presentation of Goddesses with Shiva, Ganesha glory and Indian music. During this Vande Mataram will be presented by foreign artists।

On February 25, 40 artists from 21 countries will do a heritage walk with the flags of their countries in the programme. India will lead it with its tricolor. This walk will be from Chhatri in Krishnapura to Rajwada. During this program, there will also be a program of Kundalini awakening, self-interview and meditation through Sahaja Yoga through the discourse of Nirmala Devi. Admission to the program will be given through the pass. However, it will be available free of charge. Actually, ‘Yogdhara’ is a group of 21 countries of the world, in which there are more than 40 Sahaja Yogi artists, who have been expert in Sahaja Yoga meditation method for the past many years.

Sahaja Yoga is a meditation practice which was started by Mataji Nirmala Devi on 5th May 1970. Today it is prevalent in 120 countries of the world, Kundalini awakening and self-realization can be felt through Sahaja Yoga. Many scientists from India and abroad have done research on Sahaja Yoga meditation and have confirmed ultimate peace and freedom from many diseases and disorders through this meditation.

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