NASA Shares Spectacular Picture of Smiling Sun on Twitter; netizens said : Most pleasant photo ever.


This post was shared 9 hours ago and till now it has got more than 9 lakh likes on Instagram.

NASA Sun Photo : American space agency NASA has shared a breath holding picture of the Sun on the occasion of the New Year. In the picture, the Sun is seen emitting a bright solar flare. According to NASA, flares and solar eruptions can affect radio communications, the electric power grid and navigation signals, and pose a risk to spacecraft and astronauts.

In the post, NASA revealed that the Sun is over 4.5 billion years old. The US space agency wished their readers a Happy New Year on Instagram, as we begin a new orbit around our sun that is closer to Earth than Earth. “93 million miles away.”

This is how the age of the Sun is evaluated : “Scientists can evaluate the age of the Sun by looking at the most ancient things in our solar system. “NASA shared that the Sun is at the centre of our solar system. It is said to be, “865,000 miles wide (1.4 million km) with a core that reaches temperatures of 27 million °F (15 million °C). Our Sun’s gravity holds our solar system together, most from the largest planets to the smallest space debris.”

Netizens also believes : It is believed Sun-God is a mediator between God and man, between the Sky and Earth. It is said that Sun took birth in the cave on December 25th.

Sun shield by Earth’s shadow : The post read, ” Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) orbit Earth in a geosynchronous pattern-it maintains a figure-eight path over the longitude of New Mexico. Because pf its orbit, it is constantly observed by radio antennas on Earth. Twice a year the spacecraft slips behind Earth for 72 minutes a day, covering the Sun with Earth’s shadow, as seen here.”

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